In A Neon Wilderness

Tuesday, November 01, 2016 Unknown 0 Comments

The summer is over and it certainly was a goodin! A huge highlight for me was the Wilderness festival. I went last year and it was spectacular. So I just couldn't help, but go back this year and it undoubtedly did not disappoint. The weather is always exquisite and everywhere is a photo op. You can only imagine how many pics I had by the end of the 3rd day.

Harajuku Girl

Cornbury Park Estate
Merry Go Round Stage!
Look how gorgeous that weather is!

I am very much a foodie and what better place to be daring with the array of continental food, than at wilderness. The variety of food stalls is almost overwhelming. "Will I have Jamaican, or Thai?" I ask myself. What a predicament but at least you have 3 days to try as much as you can. Haha and believe me I did.

The music lineup may not have been to everybody's taste, but if you were up for finding new bands and open to dancing to all genres of music, till the wee hours of the morning, then you'll love it!! Then there is the outfits that need to be mentioned. Every year a theme for each day is suggested, this year being; gold rush, kaleidoscope and the goblin ball, but of course you can make up your own theme if you wish. This is the time to go wild. Wear that electrifying 70s Paisley shirt you found in you mum's wardrobe, that you secretly loved but never thought you'd ever be caught dead, wearing in public. Paint your face in every coloured face paint you can find and coat yourself head to toe in glitter. With these in mind, you'll fit in just fine.

A quick nap in the sun.

The only way that I can fully describe wilderness is a scrapbook of imagination and creativity by bourgeois misfits. It truly is an artistic collage of neon enchantment and opulent mystic. An occasion, not to be missed. As ridiculous as it sounds, I'm already planning for Wilderness 2017. It can't come soon enough!!! If your still not convinced then maybe the photos will convert you. ­

Waiting for the Crystal Fighters.

A wonder in the wilderness.