​ I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends.

Saturday, March 19, 2016 Unknown 0 Comments

It has been an easy few weeks of inspiration for me. I was give a gift from a friend a few weeks ago. Knowing my love of bunting and my apprehensiveness of blogging, she made me some inspirational blog bunting to keep me going. On each flag she wrote a blogging tip.

1) Get Ideas from your audience.
2) Write for yourself first. Ignore that anyone will be reading it.
3)Be Consistent.
4)Give away your knowlegde.
5)Be true to your voice.
My Lovely Blog Bunting.
 What a Wonderful Gift.
I know there are a few points I need to work on if not all of them. But hey, this creative gift idea has given me the push I need. What a girl!! I was so moved to receive such a thoughtful, personal, handmade gift.Thank you Hannah.

I am so fortunate to be surrounded my some amazing characters. Some whom have travelled and come from afar and some... not so far. Spending time with them makes me feel so energised and motivated. Different cultures, backgrounds, experiences. It's amazing how you can be close to people and yet be polar opposites.

In fact these past few weeks have been jampacked with dates of catching up with old friends who have moved away. What can I say "my vibe attracts my tribe". Its always incredible to see friends after an extended period of time because you no doubt spend at least 3 hours catching up with each other on the goings on. Of Course once that's done its time to reminisce and laugh to the point of tears, about that amazing holiday you went on all those years ago and the clumsy moments you had together, like catching the wrong bus in Malta or getting so badly burnt in Croatia you looked like a walking lobster. Aahh! Good times! Not to mention all those mindless first world problems you use to moan about.

It can be both moving and scary to think how much things can change. How much we can change! The truth is ..."Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." ( yep I just quoted Ferris Bueller, a proud moment for me) 

One of my oldest friends from high school in Australia came over last week. A quick stop off visit for her graduation. The thing is, no matter how long it's been, we always chat as if we saw each other only yesterday. Dunja is an Amazonian, Bosnian ( you'd know what I mean if you were 5.1" like me) who is a bit "bonkers...but, all the best people are" and can always bring the inner Aussie out of me, which quite fairly, needs to, on occasion, just to keep me true to my roots. Nevertheless she continues to bring a overflowing bag of Aussie treats with her every visit. Numerous packs of Tim tams, spear mint leaves, musk sticks and my absolute favourite Cherry Ripes (I could eat them all day). Its funny how a familiar taste can give you a real buzz.

So from time to time look back at old pictures, play that song you deemed the epitome of summer 2012 or text an old friend for a catch up.But really I am so grateful to have such inspirational people both old and new in my life, that keep me on my toes. That invigorate whether by their company, food or memories. 

Now I promise next time I will try not to bring out the D&M ( deep and meaningful) talk. But every so often it is called for.