So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye

Monday, January 04, 2016 Unknown 0 Comments

2015 was a strange year for me. It seemed to be the year of change. People coming and people going, starting adventures in far away places and distant lands. How delicious I say!!!

The problem, however, that I seem to find, is when your friends are going traveling or moving to another country, you desperately want to give them a parting gift, a farewell 'prezzie' (an Australian term for present). A momento! Something they will remember you by, but will also be useful and of course nothing big and inconvenient. But what...?

There are only so many times you can buy someone a passport cover or a small travel bag and expect them to be excited and appreciative of such a general gift. No no no! For me, I want to give something sentimental.

Now I know many of my friends are terrible at both taking and keeping photos. Luckily working for a photography studio has taught me a couple of invaluable things. 1) always snap away and then keep all your photos, whether on a disc or in the cloud. You never know when you'll need a them and;  2) always have a high regard for hard copy photos. They are your hard copy memories.

Yes, I have come to surround myself with many a happy memory. My bedroom wall is covered with the fondest moments with family and friends, as well as some of my holiday snaps and after all, this is part of what makes a house, a home, for me, anyway.
Some Handmade Bunting

That's it!!! What is better than giving a few fond memories in printed form, then when they are far from home they can still feel at home. So that is what I do. Here are some examples of miniature treasurers I have made.

Or a Handmade Mini Accordion Book Album

Make a nice Box and with some Confetti 

It can be hung like Bunting as well!