Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini

Monday, July 04, 2016 Unknown 1 Comments

There is nothing better then one having some time away to rejuvenate and recharge the batteries. As Winnie the Pooh once said " Don't underestimate the value of Doing Nothing, of just going along, listening to all the things you can't hear, and not bothering." That bear knows his stuff.

Life can get so hectic nowadays and it takes a toll on us whether we realise it or not. Nevertheless, every once and a while, we all need to stop and take some time out from the hustle and bustle of our normal environment. Even better, get out of the comfort zone we call home and enjoy somewhere different.

For me it has been a tough few months, So this past week was all about soaking up the sun, working on my freestyle strokes and catching up on this seasons fashion trends, in the beautiful Tenerife.

I must admit, I am a bit of a holiday snob. The thought of staying on the Amalfi coast or the French Riviera would be my ideal European getaway, and as I've been to Tenerife before, I was fairly certain about what to expect. However this visit far surpassed my expectations. On arrival to our digs I found it was a luxurious 4* hotel resort. The sort that makes your jaw drop the moment you walk into the lobby and then rethink the clothing you decided to pack. I'm sure I must have looked like an absolute hobo after that gruelling 5 hr flight.

Staying in the gorgeous Meliá Jardines del Teide hotel with a stunning view of both mountain and shoreline as well as gorgeous restaurants and bars to choose from. A delightful surprise indeed, and I hadn't even left the resort!!

Just a short walk down the hill is a picturesque little beach with shops, bars and restaurants overlooking the bay. To be honest, coming from Australia, it's hard to impress me when it comes to beaches however 'Playa El Duquet' has something. Nice sand, turquoise water, palm trees and sunshine that's all you need. 

Further on down the coast is a high end shopping parade and mall 'Plaza Del Duque'with label stores such as Gucci, Carter, Hilfiger. This is shopping not for the faint hearted.

I think what I was most excited about this holiday, was the opportunity to wear my new yellow polka dot bikini. Yes, just like the song!  You may say it's kitsch, but I've always wanted an Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini and I was kindly bought one by my mum a few weeks ago. So of course I wore it round the pool and beach and I LOVE IT!!!

It's funny what a week away in the sun can do for your creativity. Of course going on any sort of trip inevitably means I will be snapping shots whenever I can, and Tenerife was no exception. So on that note, I'm posting some of my favourite shots. From these I'm already collecting inspiration for some design work.