London Calling

Sunday, December 27, 2015 Unknown 0 Comments

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I always love this time of year. Not just because it's a time of giving and sharing and all that, as I don't actually celebrate Christmas. But because it's just so beautiful. Everywhere I look buildings are lit up with hundreds of colourful lights and decorations. The air, cold and bitey is laced with the aroma of cinnamon and sickly sweet waffle mix, not to mentions the idyllic ice skating rinks and fairs dotted around.

Last weekend, a couple of friends and I decided to go off for girly weekend in London. We were all in need of a restorative couple of days away and excited to see "Bend it like Beckham" musical in the West End, which I will admit is brilliant!!!

Staying in a cheap little hotel in Kensington we started our adventures in Southall to get us in the mood for the show later and to buy up on some proper samosas ( I really couldn't help myself). Then making our way over to Oxford Street for a little shopping is when I started to see London at its finest! With the gorgeous Oxford Street light decorations, I never forget to walk past Selfridges to see their annual Christmas window displays. I always feel like a child in a candy store. So much to see!!! Ofcourse Regents Street and Piccadilly Circus are always beautiful this time of year too, if you can get through the manic crowds.
The beautiful lights from Piccidilly Circus to Leicester Square. How festive!!
Brasserie Zédel a grand french Art Deco restaurant off Piccadilly Circus was our next stop. A wonderful place to go for a stylish meal in your glad rags. Then, just a short walk from Leicester Square where there is the annual Christmas funfair, so magical when it gets dark, I couldn't help but snap away at the glistening lights of the square.

The Christmas Funfair in Leicester Square.
The Phoenix Threatre is where the show was. Nothing compares to the movie ofcourse, but as a musical it was great. With colourful costumes, creative stage design and exhilarating  dancing throughout, I would encourage anyone to go and see it before it ends. I do love a good Indian dance and I always feel inspired by the vibrant colours and music.

Wandering the streets of Chelsea, Knightsbridge and Kensington you can always find photography gems, from decorative doors down narrow cobbled back streets, to quaint little boutiques around the bustling Sloane Square. But it's the National History Museum that seems to be the flavour of the month. This time of year there is the outdoor ice rink and the carousel at the front entrance and fairy lights draped in the trees above, making this scene so whimsical. It's so hard not to take photos from every angle and go in. So I did both! The Victoria & Albert Museum across the road beckons as well. I could spend a whole day in the V&A. Goodness I almost did. I sat, with a pot of tea and a elderflower Victoria sponge, in awe of my surrounding. It's worth just going to see the cafe! But then I am always about the food.

The V&A cafe is so glamorous. 
Speaking of food, a perfect way to end the day is by making your way to Chinatown for a good old fashioned all you can eat Chinese buffet. Not particular glamorous, I know, but yummy all the same. And the walk down Wardour St makes the trip worthwhile, with the large oriental decorations and delicious foreign smells.

Mmm what a marvellous adventure and so many photos to go through.

And So We Begin.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015 Unknown 0 Comments

I have never been much of a writer myself. To be honest just the thought of writing a regular blog has been daunting enough and has put me off for quite some time.

But only recently I have been inspired by some fabulously imaginative folk on Instagram and that is when it hit me. Not only are these individuals talented, passionate for creativity, and have a true love for what they do but they all similarly write blogs. Great blogs!! So it got me thinking... Why not me?

I know my life is not particularly exciting or glamorous and I am naturally quite a private person, but I do try and find inspiration and a love of life in anything I can. And I would like to share it.

I might not compare to most bloggers out there, but if just once I could be someone's muse for greatness, through my blog, then it's all worth it.

So let me apologies in advance for my atrocious spelling, regular babble and my random thought process; but I hope that throughout this adventure you will get to know me and enjoy the things I make and discover.

So to begin... Hi my name is Libbie. Short for Elizabeth but let's not go there. I'm a graphic designer and illustrator and live in an old cottage in a village just outside Oxford. I'm originally from Sydney, although I don't sound it ( unless in the company of fellow Aussies). And I have a love of all things quirky ( I even love the word), music, travel, food and colourfulness. Oh and my two westies, who strangely enough are not colourful at all except in personality.

Now enough about me, How about you?