In A Neon Wilderness

The summer is over and it certainly was a goodin! A huge highlight for me was the Wilderness festival. I went last year and it was spectacular. So I just couldn't help, but go back this year and it undoubtedly did not disappoint. The weather is always exquisite and everywhere is a photo op. You can only imagine how many pics I had by the end of the 3rd day.

Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini

There is nothing better then one having some time away to rejuvenate and recharge the batteries. As Winnie the Pooh once said " Don't underestimate the value of Doing Nothing, of just going along, listening to all the things you can't hear, and not bothering." That bear knows his stuff.

Life can get so hectic nowadays and it takes a toll on us whether we realise it or not. Nevertheless, every once and a while, we all need to stop and take some time out from the hustle and bustle of our normal environment. Even better, get out of the comfort zone we call home and enjoy somewhere different.

For me it has been a tough few months, So this past week was all about soaking up the sun, working on my freestyle strokes and catching up on this seasons fashion trends, in the beautiful Tenerife.

I must admit, I am a bit of a holiday snob. The thought of staying on the Amalfi coast or the French Riviera would be my ideal European getaway, and as I've been to Tenerife before, I was fairly certain about what to expect. However this visit far surpassed my expectations. On arrival to our digs I found it was a luxurious 4* hotel resort. The sort that makes your jaw drop the moment you walk into the lobby and then rethink the clothing you decided to pack. I'm sure I must have looked like an absolute hobo after that gruelling 5 hr flight.

Staying in the gorgeous Meliá Jardines del Teide hotel with a stunning view of both mountain and shoreline as well as gorgeous restaurants and bars to choose from. A delightful surprise indeed, and I hadn't even left the resort!!

Just a short walk down the hill is a picturesque little beach with shops, bars and restaurants overlooking the bay. To be honest, coming from Australia, it's hard to impress me when it comes to beaches however 'Playa El Duquet' has something. Nice sand, turquoise water, palm trees and sunshine that's all you need. 

Further on down the coast is a high end shopping parade and mall 'Plaza Del Duque'with label stores such as Gucci, Carter, Hilfiger. This is shopping not for the faint hearted.

I think what I was most excited about this holiday, was the opportunity to wear my new yellow polka dot bikini. Yes, just like the song!  You may say it's kitsch, but I've always wanted an Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini and I was kindly bought one by my mum a few weeks ago. So of course I wore it round the pool and beach and I LOVE IT!!!

It's funny what a week away in the sun can do for your creativity. Of course going on any sort of trip inevitably means I will be snapping shots whenever I can, and Tenerife was no exception. So on that note, I'm posting some of my favourite shots. From these I'm already collecting inspiration for some design work.

​ I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends.

It has been an easy few weeks of inspiration for me. I was give a gift from a friend a few weeks ago. Knowing my love of bunting and my apprehensiveness of blogging, she made me some inspirational blog bunting to keep me going. On each flag she wrote a blogging tip.

1) Get Ideas from your audience.
2) Write for yourself first. Ignore that anyone will be reading it.
3)Be Consistent.
4)Give away your knowlegde.
5)Be true to your voice.
My Lovely Blog Bunting.
 What a Wonderful Gift.
I know there are a few points I need to work on if not all of them. But hey, this creative gift idea has given me the push I need. What a girl!! I was so moved to receive such a thoughtful, personal, handmade gift.Thank you Hannah.

I am so fortunate to be surrounded my some amazing characters. Some whom have travelled and come from afar and some... not so far. Spending time with them makes me feel so energised and motivated. Different cultures, backgrounds, experiences. It's amazing how you can be close to people and yet be polar opposites.

In fact these past few weeks have been jampacked with dates of catching up with old friends who have moved away. What can I say "my vibe attracts my tribe". Its always incredible to see friends after an extended period of time because you no doubt spend at least 3 hours catching up with each other on the goings on. Of Course once that's done its time to reminisce and laugh to the point of tears, about that amazing holiday you went on all those years ago and the clumsy moments you had together, like catching the wrong bus in Malta or getting so badly burnt in Croatia you looked like a walking lobster. Aahh! Good times! Not to mention all those mindless first world problems you use to moan about.

It can be both moving and scary to think how much things can change. How much we can change! The truth is ..."Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." ( yep I just quoted Ferris Bueller, a proud moment for me) 

One of my oldest friends from high school in Australia came over last week. A quick stop off visit for her graduation. The thing is, no matter how long it's been, we always chat as if we saw each other only yesterday. Dunja is an Amazonian, Bosnian ( you'd know what I mean if you were 5.1" like me) who is a bit "bonkers...but, all the best people are" and can always bring the inner Aussie out of me, which quite fairly, needs to, on occasion, just to keep me true to my roots. Nevertheless she continues to bring a overflowing bag of Aussie treats with her every visit. Numerous packs of Tim tams, spear mint leaves, musk sticks and my absolute favourite Cherry Ripes (I could eat them all day). Its funny how a familiar taste can give you a real buzz.

So from time to time look back at old pictures, play that song you deemed the epitome of summer 2012 or text an old friend for a catch up.But really I am so grateful to have such inspirational people both old and new in my life, that keep me on my toes. That invigorate whether by their company, food or memories. 

Now I promise next time I will try not to bring out the D&M ( deep and meaningful) talk. But every so often it is called for.

Time After Time!

Retro is the word of the week! It recently came to my attention that I am constantly surrounded by vintage and retro inspiration. The old film on a Sunday arvo, my favourite vintage woolly cardie for the chilly days, my antiquated teacup that sits in my much loved cabinet (which reminds me I should get that out) every time I pass by, not to mention half the jewellery I wear (either family heirlooms or antique store finds). I'm surrounded by it!

Really it all came to light a couple of Fridays ago, after a monumentally busy week. I needed an afternoon off, to just..."slob around", (thats what my family like to call it). So I switched on the tellie and to my delight there was an old Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr movie,"The Grass is Greener". It's a good one!!! You can never go wrong with a Cary Grant movie, I say. But there was a character in this movie, played by Jean Simmons, that really made me stop and think. With her wacky personality and out there fashion, what can I say...this character, 'Hattie Durant', quickly became my hero. 

The Lovely Jean Simmons in 'The Grass is Greener'.
The funky choice of jewellery and bold colour combos reminded me of Kate Spade NY, which finally pushed me to order the fabulous book "Things we love". A book jam packed with pages and pages of "inspiration, intriguing bits and other curiosities". I haven't been able to put it down! Bright colours, beautiful vintage images and great quotes to live by, what more could one possibly need to spur them on creatively?

For you out there who are not familiar with Kate Spade NY, its an American Fashion House that initially specialised in handbags, but since then has branched out into shoes, accessories, household goods, you name it. Known for their bright, vivacious colours and simplistic style there is a strong retro twist to Kate Spade NY designs, that I absolutely love. Making vintage relevant. What a grand idea!
There are so many vintage bits and bobs around that are over looked. I have a mental list of things to keep my eye out for, when I'm out and about, things like old fabric and sewing patterns, old books, magazines, maps, postcards, lace, wallpaper, postage stamps... My list could go on and on. But these are just a few things that you can actually reuse. 

Here is a design I produced using a collection of retro bits and bobs.
Please have proper look at my etsy shop.
I have an embarrassingly large collection of postage stamps for example, which are great for spicing up a handmade card, including in a collage badge pin, or using in a art piece for the wall. Vintage magazines are great too, not only do they smell wisely weird , but the imagery is always so classically beautiful even the adds in the back for shoe polish or hat making courses are great as kooky wrapping paper. Every so often, I get my old 1950s designer mags out just for a good retro pick me up. 
One of my much loved Vintage Fashion Magazine
Speaking of old mags, I'd been dying to go to this new comic book cafe that had opened in Oxford on the Cowley Rd. So I ended up spending the good part of an afternoon with a friend in 'Inky Fingers' drinking AMAZING homemade Chai and reading old comic mags. 

Actually it got us thinking of the good old days (Haha I'm only 25, I make it sound like I'm an antique myself). Those fond days of mischief at school, memories of dangerous trampoline stunts at my friends house and making mum buy up on strawberry bubble gum to collect all the barbie stickers for my lunch box. Those were the days. I wonder where that lunch box went???

Retro inspired I say!! What other old gems will I find to add to the collection of inspiration?

Sweet, Sweet Inspiration.

Hello! It's been a few of weeks since my last post, but to be honest it's been fairly busy. I've started back at work after having a lovely break over Christmas and since then a couple of friends of mine, I am proud to say, have opened a gorgeous little cafe in Wheatley called "Ochre cafe". They have done marvellous things with it and business seems to be going well already. Consequently they have kindly asked both my mum and I to regularly help out by making a variety of homemade cakes and muffins. What a honour!! I do recommend if you're ever in the area to stop off for a delicious cup of coffee, piece of freshly homemade cake and a chat with friendly staff that work there. Not that I am biased AT ALL!

Raspberry Burst Cake
Lemon Drizzle


So as you can probably imagine I have been a bit busy baking cakes for the cafe, but I love it. I love cooking, I find it quite therapeutic. It makes me happy and this pushes me to do more of it. Now mum and I are on Pinterest, constantly, looking for inspirational recipes and creative decoration ideas to try out. Such Fun!

However since it has been a busy couple of weeks, getting into the groove of 2016, I haven't done much creative making. A rubbish excuse I know! But I will endeavour to get the inspiration book out quickly.
My Inspiration Book

One of the most important things for me is having an inspiration or ideas book at the ready. Actually I have more than one. As often as I can, I mossy on down to a well lit, bustling cafe in Oxford and sit with a Large Chai Latte and an Apple Flapjack, my inspiration book and the iPad, for a couple of hours. The great thing about Oxford is that sitting in a cafe watching the world go by as you deeply ponder on things, is not unusual in a city full of students. I do some of my best thinking in coffee shops.

Occasionally when the creative juices are running low and some serious time out to just "process life" is needed , well... those are the days the inspiration book stays safely in my bag for another day and I sit and watch the world go by. Nevertheless, often just being surrounded by an unfamiliar environment and having a constant flow of new faces go by, helps me think clearer and I'm able to jot down some creative ideas, do some research or make a helpful "to do list". I love making lists!!

Of course one vital ingredient to all of this is required, a lengthy motivational Spotify list. There is nothing worse then chilling in a coffee shop with some bland, cheesy, elevator music playing in the background. Or worst.....Silence. Ick!! No, I always have my headphones nearby and a playlist ready to go with the mood. Thank goodness for Spotify I say.

I'm always collecting bits and peices for ideas.

And i am forever collection images that inspire me with Colours, Patterns, Textures and Photography ideas.
So my mission till next time is to book an afternoon to myself at the Ochre cafe and get my creative hat on. I'll have my inspiration book out and ready and hopefully this will be the motivation I need to get me going.

When at home.

So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye

2015 was a strange year for me. It seemed to be the year of change. People coming and people going, starting adventures in far away places and distant lands. How delicious I say!!!

The problem, however, that I seem to find, is when your friends are going traveling or moving to another country, you desperately want to give them a parting gift, a farewell 'prezzie' (an Australian term for present). A momento! Something they will remember you by, but will also be useful and of course nothing big and inconvenient. But what...?

There are only so many times you can buy someone a passport cover or a small travel bag and expect them to be excited and appreciative of such a general gift. No no no! For me, I want to give something sentimental.

Now I know many of my friends are terrible at both taking and keeping photos. Luckily working for a photography studio has taught me a couple of invaluable things. 1) always snap away and then keep all your photos, whether on a disc or in the cloud. You never know when you'll need a them and;  2) always have a high regard for hard copy photos. They are your hard copy memories.

Yes, I have come to surround myself with many a happy memory. My bedroom wall is covered with the fondest moments with family and friends, as well as some of my holiday snaps and after all, this is part of what makes a house, a home, for me, anyway.
Some Handmade Bunting

That's it!!! What is better than giving a few fond memories in printed form, then when they are far from home they can still feel at home. So that is what I do. Here are some examples of miniature treasurers I have made.

Or a Handmade Mini Accordion Book Album

Make a nice Box and with some Confetti 

It can be hung like Bunting as well!